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Hey Friendlings,
Almost every single time I have signed off on an Ask Joy email or post, I’ve ended it with the words, “From My Heart.” The reason I use these words is because they’re true.
I care deeply for Read more
WHAT?! You haven’t met my parents?! A few things to note: Emerson and Sarah only wear black, they’ve been married 40+ years, and when they met, my mother thought my dad was funny looking, dressed weird and wasn’t funny at all. Oh, and they started Love and Respect. Read more
What do you think about cliché phrases like, “Don’t marry the person you can live with; only marry the person you can’t live without?”
I think we need to stop and pay attention to the reasons why we use phrases like this. Sometimes we they resonate with us so deeply because…they’re true! Read more
Hey Friendlings,
I absolutely love interviewing people, uncovering their stories, and getting so excited about the interview that I forget there are other people listening in on the conversation.
Join me as I uncover an incredible love story of basketball, broken dreams, romance and waiting.
I have a great friend who lives about 20 hours away. He recently texted me and said he is interested in me, dating-wise. He said he just wanted to be honest.
But none of our following conversations suggested that he wanted to make a move or be more than friends. I am angry. Read more
A bunch of you asked me questions about my online dating experience. And the secret’s out…I never answered!
Sweet of me, I know. So last week I posted this short little documentary of the “Summer of Fun” I had with three friends when we gave online dating a shot. Then, I chose three of your questions to answer: Read more
Hey Friends,
I didn’t have time to make a trailer for this documentary, so for the full effect, turn on some dramatic movie music and read these quotes:
“Our real dating lives are OVER now!” – Laura
“I got matched with a guy who said he was 25. I’m pretty sure he’s 11.” – Joy Read more
(Note: If you miss Saved By The Bell, then you’re going to want to watch this video for nostalgia’s sake.)
I’ve never had a girlfriend, but I am looking for one. I’ve tried online dating and I went out with two girls, but both said it wasn’t a really good match.
I am afraid that I am running out of time. I don’t want to be that guy who is 35 and has no one. Read more
If you’ve gone through The Illumination Project, you already know all about the bonus materials. I’m talking about things like coasters, a button featuring the profile of a Russian-esque Czar, an entire sheet of gold stars, a box of matches, a better-than-a-Moleskine journal and more.
Beyond all of that, however, I hope you were pumped up by all the amazing artists you were introduced to, especially if you hadn’t already heard about them. I’m fortunate to be surrounded by so many great Portland-based musicians, painters, writers, photographers and other artists, and I’m grateful for those who worked with my father and me to film The Illumination Project so that we could inspire “light bulb moments” on the topics of life and relationships. Read more
Gabe and Rebekah Lyons are a power couple. They are people who get ISH done. Join me for a conversation with them that ended as though it had only just begun.
(Well, technically, it did. They left me so their kids wouldn’t be the last ones picked up from gymnastics class. Whatever!) Read more
You didn’t know I spoke German, did you? Yes, I took two long years of it in high school and my last name is German, loud and proud. If you didn’t know, “Was ist das?” translates to “What is that?”
And “eins, zwei, drei” is “one, two, three.” But now we are totally getting off topic. Read more
My friend and I have been “the last singles standing” for a while now, but she just started dating someone. Honestly, I am feeling a little jealous now. How do I keep hanging out with her without becoming the “crazy, jealous friend”? Read more
Eric Metaxas has written another book, and I’m sure it will also land on the New York Times bestsellers list like my other favorite book, Bonhoeffer (which he also wrote). Moving in a slightly a different direction than a historical bio, Eric’s most recent project, Miracles, centers on a topic that is a bit of a mystery to most of us.
But before we dive into all of that, get ready for some laughter as I take him through some “would you rather” questions and talk comedy, coffee and his distaste for wasps.
Read more
“Is she The One?'”
“I’ve found The One!”
“He definitely wasn’t The One.”
For as long as I’ve been doing Love and Respect Now, and probably for years before, “The One” debate has always been a hot topic. Recently my father and I were interviewed by Relevant Magazine on things the Church has gotten wrong about dating. This question inevitably came up. Read more
Want to laugh and be inspired today? Please meet two of my favorite people in the universe.
They’ll teach you about the beauty of miscommunication in dating, the making of a marriage in which one spouse often leaves the country, and why they let their unmarried friends be all up in their bizzzz-nass. Oh, and they’ll teach you about their actual business practices, social passions and facial-manicuring tricks. Read more
Do you like love stories? Do you like hip-hop? Do you like poetry and spoken word? Have you ever worked with your spouse? Have you ever wanted to move out of the friend-zone and into dating? Have you ever wanted to learn how to drop a mic? Read more
I have been married for three months now. My husband is very clean and I am fairly neat, but since being married I have kind of chilled out in that area. In fact, compared to my husband, I am lazy.
What can I do? I don’t want to make him feel like he got cheated by marrying me. Read more