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A lot of you are just joining Love and Respect Now for the first time. To which I say, welcome! And also, I hope you like unicorns.
Even if you’re not new, I thought we would do a little flashback in case you missed this series I did answering questions on the topic of respect. This particular question deals with fearing the word respect—the series continues on to eventually be a conversation between me and a group of dudes talking…and not talking…for hours. (Name that movie.)
Hi Friends, I mentioned earlier this week that my father, Emerson Eggerichs was in town recently and I had a couple post-RSOTU questions for him. He had barely finished grabbing his luggage from baggage claim, when I pulled out the camera and asked for his thoughts. He rolled with it; I think he’s getting used to me… The first topic I addressed was: “In relationship, HOW does a woman practically and tangibly show respect?” Today’s question: “What do you say to guys who get all …
Hi Friends, Many of you have written in questions asking about the topic of respect, so I did a series called the Respect State of The Union (better known as #RSOTU on Twitter). In that series of 15 videos, I answered 10 questions, and then talked with a group of guys about their thoughts on respect. Many of you enjoyed the series and my hope was that it started the ball rolling for us to talk about this touchy topic more. I personally had some …
Respect State of The Union Watch the intro to find out what this is all about: RSOTU Intro (1 of 15) My favorite part of this video is the final call to action: “How are we going to deal with it?” Men and women – we all have wounds and fears. It’s so important to process our wounds and unpack our fears. But will we stay there forever? At what point do we say “yes” to trusting God’s word and relaxing in His control …
Respect State of The Union Watch the intro to find out what this is all about: RSOTU Intro (1 of 15) Question Women: Are you aware of your facial expressions? One of the things my father recommends is for women during a fight to go look at their faces a mirror and ask themselves, “Does anyone else look at him this way?” Men: I know that I feel more loved and known in a relationship if a guy figures out what I want or …
Respect State of The Union Watch the intro to find out what this is all about: RSOTU Intro (1 of 15) Question Men: Do you agree with what the men said about her respecting who you choose as friends? In what other ways have women challenged your ability to make decisions? Do you think that was their intention? Women: If you have legitimate concerns about his friends, how have you handled it? Has it been effective? Why might your words wound him?
Respect State of The Union Watch the intro to find out what this is all about: RSOTU Intro (1 of 15) I thought I was just being polite when asking a guy if he “could” do something for me, but apparently the difference between “could” and “would” is huge to guys. Questioning a man’s competency can cut him to his core – but he may not show it. Question Men: Can you think of something a woman said to you (jokingly or seriously) that made you …
Respect State of The Union Watch the intro to find out what this is all about: RSOTU Intro (1 of 15) Question Men: Have you ever been asked by a woman how you feel most honored and respected? Dishonored and respected? Did you feel awkward sharing? Women: Have you ever asked these questions of the men in your life? What was the response? Does the idea of asking feel awkward or uncomfortable? Why do you think?
Respect State of The Union Watch the intro to find out what this is all about: RSOTU Intro (1 of 15) Questions If you think a man is acting childish, is it possible that he feels like you are treating him like a child? In relationship, how would you recommend treating each other with respect and communicating with respect even when it doesn’t seem fair? How do you humbly confront childish behavior without being patronizing?
Respect State of The Union Watch the intro to find out what this is all about: RSOTU Intro (1 of 15) Let me be clear. Respect does not mean foolishly staying in an unhealthy relationship. However, there are wise and respectful ways to remove oneself from an unhealthy situation or confront a hurtful miscommunication. Questions Have your insecurities ever caused you to misinterpret someone’s statement? How did you respond?
I don’t know how Google searches for things so well, but since I have given my posts a lot of weird titles over the years, finding things by topic is like searching for Waldo in a candy cane store.
So, I wanted to put all the posts in one, easy-to-find place. Read more
WHAT?! You haven’t met my parents?! A few things to note: Emerson and Sarah only wear black, they’ve been married 40+ years, and when they met, my mother thought my dad was funny looking, dressed weird and wasn’t funny at all. Oh, and they started Love and Respect. Read more
You didn’t know I spoke German, did you? Yes, I took two long years of it in high school and my last name is German, loud and proud. If you didn’t know, “Was ist das?” translates to “What is that?”
And “eins, zwei, drei” is “one, two, three.” But now we are totally getting off topic. Read more
Hey Friends!
So I asked a bunch of you what question you would want to ask your father, or something you appreciated about your pops. Ironically many of the responses came from people whose fathers had passed away.
I realized that sometimes it’s not until we have lost someone that we start to reflect on the things we really felt or wanted to say.