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There's no one quite like Joy Eggerichs! She comes across extraordinarily well and has a tremendously important message! Still, I can't shake the sense that something about her isn't quite right, that there perhaps are in her "belfry" what the old-timers would call "bats". What I'm trying to say is that she's a chick with issues; I'd steer a wide berth around her if I didn't want a lot of weirdness and trouble. There's something inescapably creepy about her whole situation and I'm not only talking about the unicorn stuff.
Eric Metaxas New York Times Bestselling author of Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
Getting to know Joy has been a true pleasure because I have found in her someone who shares the same passion I have to speak the truth in the midst of a chaotic world. Joy’s message has already been a catalyst for healing relationships and for bringing people closer to Christ. She understands that in bringing this message, she is part of something bigger than she is – a movement to change the face of our generation.
Rachel Ramsey Cruze
Speaker, writer and daughter of Dave Ramsey
Joy Eggerichs has important words for her generation. She’s discovered and applied truths about relationships that are life changing and she communicates them in a winsome manner. Your audience will love it.
Ken R. Canfield, PhD
Founder, National Center for Fathering
Joy is Awesome. With a capital A, and J. Love and Respect Now is worth your time. Get involved, follow them, read what they have to say, and be part of the community. You will be better because of it!
Brad Lomenick
Catalyst President, Author of The Catalyst Leader
Joy Eggerichs is an extremely dynamic speaker who passionately delivers the important message of Love and Respect. She has a real handle on the obstacles and challenges of her generation and has really struck a chord with young adults by her authenticity, whimsy and down to earth approach to Godly relationships. That's what makes her unique. After hearing her speak, audiences feel like she is their best friend and clammer to get more info...maybe even over a cup of coffee. Not too sure about the unicorn thing, though.
Tim LaTour
Pastor of Young Adults Ministry Island Evangelical Community Church, Hong Kong
Joy is a gifted communicator and story-teller; and her message is both timely and relevant to the relational world of today’s college student! If young people can learn the significance of love and respect during their formative college years, and begin to appropriately apply it in ALL of their relationships, it has the potential to save them from a lot of pain and suffering – now and in the future.
Guy Chmieleski
D.Min. University Minister Belmont University
Joy Eggerichs is not only an excellent speaker but a true “joy” to work with. Her unique style of communication merges authenticity and humor to create an exceptional bond with her audience. Joy brings the Truth to life through her personal narrative and anything-but-dull life experiences.
Sarah Jaggard
Director of Convocation, Pepperdine University