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Intimately Known
The only people I know who don’t want to be intimately known are those who have been deeply hurt.
The fear of being exposed or hurt again keeps us private. And while being known by our fellow man is scary enough, it’s sometimes even harder to believe that there is a God who knows us, loves us, and is good.
If you are struggling with this unbelief, as I have, this is for you.
My prayer is that we would all read John 4 and dive in with open minds. That we would be prayerful about the possibility of what it says even if we don’t currently believe.
And if we do believe, that our thirst for the miraculous, for Him, would deepen.
Photo credit: Branden Harvey
“I who speak to you am He.” – Jesus
May we sense that we are intimately known today. And when the voice isn’t audible or the people who represent God have let us down, may a voice of knowing speak to us through Scripture and silence, so that deep down we would have a sense of knowing that it is He.
Believing we are known.
May it be so,
P.S. Here are some of my other prayers for our community.