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Research Archive
Formal Lunch: I Want to Roast Marshmallows, too!
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Recently a friend of mine, who is single without kids, told me about some married friends who recently went on a camping trip with their kids and some other couples. Although she would have loved to go along, she felt like the “season of life factor” may have caused the married couple to compartmentalize the invitation list. My guess is, married people with kids probably assume single people without kids would rather go camping with their other single friends who can stay up late around …
During the filming of The Illumination Project, I asked my father why in the world he would compare women as pink to men as blue in his book, Love and Respect. From my politically correct perspective, those colors felt stereotypical and were a distraction from the overall message of the book. However, when you watch the video series, you will hear how he changed my mind and learn why I am on board with this analogy now. Like my parents also say on this subject, “You’re not wrong–just …