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The Starter Marriage and the Future of Matrimony
by Pamela Paul
Paul quotes David Popenoe of the Marriage Project:
“The nature of marriage has changed so much. It has become a kind of close friendship with a sexual relationship between a man and a woman. That’s a change. Before, it was a multifaceted institution. A partnership that was legally bound, typically a religious partnership and a partnership between two families. Just because the husband and wife didn’t get along wasn’t a reason to break up. Also, in times past, men, by and large, had mostly male friends and women had mostly female friends. Today, we’re together in an entirely different way. It’s stripped down, mainly to the two of them. They’re best friends, often isolated, alone, and this is something pretty new.”
What are the pro’s and con’s to Popenoe’s perception of this generation? Do you agree?
The first person to guess correctly was:
Name: stacie n.
Location: kentwood
Guess: us capitol rotunda
Congrats Stacie! This is what you have won…CLICK HERE (Yes, the children are included and try not to throw up due to this guys incredible circular filming skills.)
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