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What do you think about cliché phrases like, “Don’t marry the person you can live with; only marry the person you can’t live without?”
I think we need to stop and pay attention to the reasons why we use phrases like this. Sometimes we they resonate with us so deeply because…they’re true!
But other times we cling to a cliché to justify what we want to do even when we probably shouldn’t. We abdicate prayer, study of Scripture, seeking wisdom and good old-fashioned thinking because, well, we want to do what we want to do.
Think about it.
Also, I have some more thoughts in this video…
From my jail-breaking heart,
P.S. Did you like that sweet poster in the vid? Check out Josh Chang’s illumination post HERE and his website HERE.
P.P.S. Josh is also the creator of the Love and Respect Now Crest. He’s a winner.
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Love and Respect (Now) is a division of Love and Respect. Please be considerate.
well, ‘fighting’ to stay in love actually is love, isn’t it? I mean fighting for peace, fighting to consider others more important than yourself, fighting to take up your cross daily and deny yourself, fighting for patience and kindness – these things are demonstrations OF love not fighting to keep it, or get it.
So at the deepest level the catchphrase doesn’t even convey truth. So how about “no fight, no love”. or “love through fighting”. Ha ha
Bertha thinks...
Love it! Thank you for the much needed ‘reality check’!
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