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Watch the intro to find out what this is all about: RSOTU Intro (1 of 15)
My favorite part of this video is the final call to action: “How are we going to deal with it?”
Men and women – we all have wounds and fears. It’s so important to process our wounds and unpack our fears. But will we stay there forever? At what point do we say “yes” to trusting God’s word and relaxing in His control of our ability to overcome our pain and put on the powerful tools of Love and Respect towards the people in our life that are desperate for the gift that can only be received if you choose to give?
Women: My mentality has been that if I let a man help me with something I can do, it somehow communicates to him that I’m weak. What if it’s less about my weakness and more about his serving? Is it possible that we are actually giving a gift to a man if we let him help us?
Men: Besides “staying in the game,” what else would you tell to encourage women trying to understand what this looks like?
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Love and Respect (Now) is a division of Love and Respect. Please be considerate.
Great empowering series Joy, a little sad its over ! Enjoyed the men’s input: stay in the respect game, press into it, don’t give up, trusting Jesus to transform-heal-& deliver, surrounding yourselves with others who value respect, can’t go wrong practicing it… it’s all good! And the fabulous ending: Take the dive and dare to trust respect again !! Great Job!!! Blessings!
I think it speaks volumes to a woman’s (or a man’s) strength when she knows herself well enough to “appear weak” by letting others help. I suggest asking yourself: Are you confident enough in yourself to know you’re strong without needing to prove it to others? Because if you need others to think you’re strong in order to feel strong, that’s actually insecurity. Personally, I do this more with emotional stuff than physical stuff.
The intricacy of God’s plan has nothing on Joy’s plan. Oh, wait….that should be the other way around. Oops.
All kidding aside, Joy, this was fantastic. Learned a great deal that will definitely be implemented immediately in my life. You’ve definitely got the gift for teaching! Or maybe just discussing. I don’t know, but I’m glad that God put it in your heart to serve others (others=me and other people), because I have gained and grown so much from this series, along with all your other posts! Keep on keeping on. Praying for you, and God’s continued guidance for your life. Happy Sunday!
Joy, thank you so much for these RSOTU videos. I’ve been thinking about this recently and stumbling across your videos was perfect timing. I was thinking about talking to my women’s bible study about this and weeks before seeing your videos. Now I can tell them about your video blogs!
That was the most hilarious ending ever! Thanks so much for this series, Joy, and for including the men and their input. Definitely inspires me to try out some respect action asap! I also asked my stepdad how he receives respect, and we had a good conversation about it. Thanks again! You guys rock!
Hey All – So glad you enjoyed the series. I pray it gets some good discussion going and we can truly learn to embrace the way God designed us with full confidence and clear communication!
And Kaitlyn – I like your theology. jk. Any ounce of truth I present on this blog is because He has helped me greatly. I am in the learning curve with you all!
#1: At first glance, I thought this series was titled, “State of the Unicorn” – true story!
#2: Thanks to the guys for their perspective. Gave me some good things to think about and ways to challenge the young women I mentor.
#3: Thanks, Joy, for choosing quality men for your panel (I would expect nothing less from you!). I don’t have opportunity to interact with men of this caliber very often anymore and it was a refreshing perspective. …time to visit Portland, I guess?!
pkphinfan thinks...
Great series Joy. Concept to execution, good job! Annual series?
Of course you’re weak (kidding). Men die, ugh! Men die for anonymous women, too. We should be the ones to pull a muscle wrestling luggage, or reaching to the upper cabinet. Yes, it is a gift for guys to serve the ladies. We fulfill our natural calling of protecting any and all females in our path, when we’re allowed. Honestly, it hurts us to see ladies struggle physically. There’s a self-loathing that occurs if we’re not able to help. It’s just in our core as men. We want to take the potentially dangerous thing on for you, not because you can’t handle it, but if you were hurt while we watched from the sideline, we’d never get over it (unless you blew us off, then it’s all on you, sister!). Besides, what do you want us to do, cheer-lead?
“2 – 4 – 6 – 8
come on lady,
you’re doing great!”
As for “staying in the game”…I think the point was to continue working on oneself to recognize how our actions impact the opposite gender (family site). This can be an exhausting and demoralizing journey. Frequent stops to recharge the batteries (and drawing near to friends) may be necessary. The important thing is to keep moving forward.
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