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“I don’t have a peace about dating you.”
Is that a valid statement or is someone just pulling the “God card.”
For those of you who wonder about Christian verbiage, join us as we discuss what it means when people say, “I don’t have a peace about _________.”
And for those of you who have no idea what I am referencing when I say “having a peace” or “God card” or “Christian verbiage,” …join us anyways.
Erin and Jenny once again bring some thought provoking stuff to the Formal Lunch table.
What do you think? (About the discussion…please keep your critique of our cheer-leading to yourself…)
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Love and Respect (Now) is a division of Love and Respect. Please be considerate.
Another success! I am seriously loving these video blogs. You’re all very well spoken, which is great, but more than that, you’re all very thoughtful about what you say. You think about what you’re going to say, and I can tell. That makes it so much more interesting and enlightening to watch you. Looking forward to Part 4!
Tyler Gaul thinks...
Omg I miss those people.
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