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I just recieved this text from my friend, Ryan:
“It’s your birthday according to Facebook. Is this true?”
According to some, you don’t exist if you don’t have a Facebook page. Well, I am here to tell you that my mother can confirm the labor pains that she endured on June 13th, 1982 when this little bundle of screaming joy, (or attempting to scream since I had the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck) graced the world.
Facebook – you don’t define my existence.
But this isn’t really about me. This is about Love and Respect NOW. It is my desire to make our existence more widely known so that we have a broad community where…
1) We can talk about relationships.
2) I can attempt to answer your questions about relationships.
3) You can help me attempt to answer peoples’ questions, since my personal relationship track record ain’t so successful.
4) We can discuss why our generation does what it does. And then do something about it.
5) We can contemplate God’s goodness, His plan for us and His funny little way of creating us…male and female. (Genesis 1)
The meat of our discussions will always be here on the website, but for a fun place to discuss questions and hear what’s on your mind, we have created the Love and Respect NOW Facebook page.
Hello, world. Hello, Ryan. It is, in fact The Love and Respect NOW Facebook Page and Joy Eggerichs’ day of birth.
Just confirming our existence.
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Love and Respect (Now) is a division of Love and Respect. Please be considerate.
Ashley – Thank you! I hope you and your daughter (soon enough) will be encouraged by the site.
Darcie – Those were the film guys. Pretty old I might add. (-:
Faith – Glad you were entertained!
Kelly – Umbilical cords always bring people together. Well, at least mothers and their offspring.
Sue – Thank you!
Hi, Joy! I was being a little funny/sarcsatic in saying “we are way behind…” I am accustomed to the facebook comments that go lickety split and then they seem to get lost in history… so to have a “post” from June 13 still availble and not buried is quite different than the ‘book. I can see, however, that the same thing goes on, it just looks different because this is on it’s own separate page, whereas the fb posts go on the wall. Kind of like the hallway in highschool, where everyone hangs out at their lockers talking between classes. Sort of like that! I have to tell you you have been a big hit in my heart, I jsut LOVE the way you hang it all out there with no “Gosh, what if they think I’m wierd?!”. Not visibly anyway! I appreciate your style AND your message!… have fun and remember to thank your momma and poppa for such a great platform on which to stand (yes?). See, on facebook I could say that privately, and not be so blabby in public… maybe there is a way on here, too, I just am unfamiliar with blogs. Loving you! ~Sue
Hey, Joy! Here’s a cute one…
RE:Comment from Liam
Time June 13, 2011 at 3:00 pm
“Very COOL!
Would like to send to my second son, Stephen. He was born in 1982, too, the third of our seven wonderful kids.”
Your response was: Send it to anyone who might enjoy the discussion. But I think he wants to send his son to YOU! Hahaha! I’m with him, we need more of Joy in this world!
There’s no question that Sue’s hunch has merit. My primary motivation, however, derives from the fact that Stephen, much like his older brother is profoundly shy. What I had really envisioned was that he might be able to learn important principles of interpersonal relations from someone like you, Joy, who radiates wholesomeness and yet reveals a Christian maturity that authenticates it. This he might accomplish to some extent at least without the “danger” of face-to-face interaction.
Mike thinks...
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