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Hey, Everybody!
I just wanted to let you know that Love and Respect NOW is going dark for the month of June.
Don’t fear; we’ll be back in July.
The reason for going dark is because we’re transforming the site to be less about me and more about us as a community. There will be all kinds of ways for you to help and get involved.
So even though there won’t be new blog posts during the month of June, there are still several things you can do to stay involved:
I want to leave you with a blooper reel of me, which I think is impossible because I really don’t make that many mistakes. #lie
Stay Connected
Don't leave just yet. Besides these articles, sometimes I send out extra special stuff. Don't miss out. Sign up here.
Love and Respect (Now) is a division of Love and Respect. Please be considerate.
@AP, Hallo Anna, ich wohne in Hamburg. Bis vor zwei Jahren habe ich noch in Süddeutschland gewohnt. Dort war ich schön eingebunden in die Hochschulgemeinde meiner Uni. Hier allerdings ist mein Leben zur Zeit so hektisch, dass ich gar keine Zeit finde mich in die hiesige Hochschulgemeinde zu involvieren. Deshalb finde ich es um so schöner diese Webseite zu haben.
@Saskia, Hamburg is wunderschoen, wir waren zwar nur 2 mal dort. Ich komm urspruenglich aus Obberbayern/Starnbergrsee, bin aber im Moment im Ausland.
Kann ich nachvollziehen, das man so eine “Community” in Deutschland braucht.:)
Ich hab gar nicht gewusst, das es Hochschulgemeinden gibt, gehoeren die zur bestimmten Konfession? Was studierst du denn?
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@Saskia, so glad to hear! And it looks like you found a German friend. I took two years of German in highschool because my last name is German. I fear all I can do now is count to ten in German. I love the country though and have visited Frankfurt, Munich and Berlin. Glad to have you on here!
@Jacinta – I started that challenge…then I got distracted thinking about how to prove I’ve ready all of the posts when I started thinking about unicorns. They took me off on a tangent and now I’ve nearly finished making a unicorn onesie. Still don’t know what to do about the posts. I am thinking that I’m probably not helping my singleness situation by confessing about the unicorn onesie. But at least I’ll be warm! (it’s currently snowing).
Love your work!! (…and unicorns)
Thought you might light this:
I met an entrepreneur recently who met his dream girl online. She came from a very well-to-do Indian family. He wanted to ask her father for her hand in marriage.
Wanting to ensure his success he didn’t just show up neatly dressed with an eloquent speech in hand.
No he showed up with 500 of his guy friends at the doorstep of her father’s house all equipped with their speech about why he would be a great husband.
@Josh, Glad to have you join the community. I’m sure there’s a few back-logged posts you could read and pretend they are new. Also – make sure to join our FB page as that’s still going strong.
Saskia thinks...
Too bad that you’ll be going dark for June. I will miss your posts. I find them very inspiring. Here in Germany, I often miss a religious community that I could tend to when I am in need for an advice about my life. Even though your posts are not about my personal questions, they are always food for thought, which is just what I need. I’m so glad I found this website 🙂
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