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My friend Julie is talented. She is in school for a Masters of Fine Arts in Applied Craft and Design. It’s more than just finger puppets folks. A couple weeks ago, my friend Erin came to visit. I knew she would love my friend Julie’s apartment so we stopped by unannounced, at 8am.
Needless to say, Julie was adorable even in her P.J.’s
For the rest of Erin’s visit, she kept referencing Julie. “How would Julie arrange this plate…How would Julie wear this…How would Julie feel if I started calling myself Julie.”
It got weird.
Last night I stopped by Julie’s at 10:30. Unannounced. As I guessed, her apartment and even Julie in her long johns looked like I had just opened an anthropology magazine. She has more craftiness and style in her pinky finger than I do in my whole body. (Even if Martha Stewart was my biological mother.)
Since I am going to try and back off from the “unannounced” visits to Julie when my friends come to town, I thought I would bring Julie’s apartment to you. Enjoy!
(Keep in mind, she has made most of what you see…including the furniture. She built it, covered it or lugged it from a wood pile and declared it “good.”)
Amazing huh?! I asked Julie what she loves about school and she said…
i LOVE school right now because everyday i learn a little bit more about myself and what it is i love doing, and i have the incredible privilege to take the time and space to fully explore all the tangible ways i can express that–whether it’s through carving a wooden spoon, drawing a space i want to create, or writing about the philosophical observations of others who have gone before me.
each day i am being made a new person.
it is exhilarating.
it is exhausting.
p.s. Special thanks to Dane for editing the photos in a pinch. I hate editing.
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Love and Respect (Now) is a division of Love and Respect. Please be considerate.
i couldn’t craft my way out of a paper bag. if i ever did get out, i’d be covered in glitter and raffia that i had glued to myself.
Lisa thinks...
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