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Say that title ten times fast. Ok, I just did…it’s actually not that hard.
Instead of writing a blog post* I decided to make a list of the top posts from 2010. Thanks to Google Analytics and forcing my parents to tell me which post they liked the most, I present you with the following:
#10 My Mom’s Favorite Post: “Jerk”
#9 My Dad’s Favorite Post: “Emerson Interviews Joy”
#8 Post Written with the Most Passion: “Swim Baby Swim”
#7 Favorite Guest Post: “Is Respect Only Earned?”
(Following 3 are top video hits.)
#6 “Fickle Men” Probably due to the guest appearance of my hot friend Erin.
#5 “Fantasy is Not Reality” Things tagged with “Porn” usually get a higher amount of hits. Blog Tag Strategy 101.
#4 “Romance Novels” The high # of hits are most likely due to Courtney, blogger extraordinaire, having me post it on her site.
(Following 3 are top overall hits…aka, people either liked the post or their computer malfunctioned and kept refreshing the page. My guess is the latter.)
#1 “Why I do this” (Oh, and not included as a reason I “do this job” is the perk of constantly examining my own failed relationships. And by “perk” I mean my head is about to implode.)
#15 I love Old Men (Me too.)
#14 Hun cal fro yo (I take it they like these guys too: Harvard Sailing Team)
#13 Ryan Gosling believe God (I sure hope so.)
#12 Where does Joy Eggerichs go to church? (Creepy.)
#11 Jack Bauer Tennis (Naturally.)
#10 El Salvador Wedding tradition (I am clueless how this led someone to my site.)
#9 Joy fly girl in living color (Assuming they found their search satisfied with this: Respect Your Partner)
#8 Hoy Eggerichs (Close.)
#7 Unicorn Porn (Wow.)
#6 Horny Christian Kids (Naturally.)
#5 Long Earlobes (Most old men have these. Hence why I love them.)
#4 Manic street preachers communism (Huh?)
#3 Mank Cat (Not a fan of cats. Whatever breed Mank’s are…I don’t like them either.)
#2 Well boo hoo drugzilla (This one really leaves me speechless.)
#1 What does “your panties are too tight” mean? (Mom, I’ve explained this to you 10 times. Stop Googling it already!)
Well there you have it. 2010 in a top 10 – 15 nutshell. I have enjoyed getting to know some of you readers through comments, emails, twitter and face to face encounters. I have been encouraged, saddened and stretched by your questions. I am doing my best to respond to as many as I can and will continue to think of more efficient ways to do so…but until then, keep asking. Don’t fear questions, press into them. Live them in community.
I will leave you with the quote I had taped to the side of my computer in college. (Yes, a desk top computer with tower…the kind that weighs 347 lbs.)
“…I would like to beg you dear Sir, as well as I can, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.”
– Rainer Maria Rilke, 1903
in Letters to a Young Poet
*I am currently working on a post about Hitler, yet somehow “Adolf” just didn’t embody that light-hearted-end-of-the-year-post I was going for.
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Love and Respect (Now) is a division of Love and Respect. Please be considerate.
Christie – Google Analytics. It’s both interesting and a catalyst to my conspiracy theories on “How much our government really knows…” They are always watching Christie. Always.
Barbie – If you use the word schvitzing again, I might just schvitz myself and I don’t want to do that.
Kaylene – I bet it was the government. They want to know if you are an approved medical marijuana provider.
Katie – Do tell!
1. I have the Rilke quote on the wall next to my computer, surprise surprise.
2. Thanks for labeling me “hot.” I prefer that over cold, as to not be spewed out of the Lord’s mouth
3. I enjoyed revisiting those old posts.
4. I love the intensity of the unicorn’s face as he leaps into the little girl’s arms…can we say, Joy’s Greatest Fantasy?
5. You should really consider legally changing your name to Hoy…I don’t think it’s healthy for you to think of yourself as a Fruit of the Spirit.
Christie Saunders thinks...
oh my word! I am laughing hysterically at the searches that lead to your site. I have no idea how you are even able to find that out Joy but I am glad you did! Seriously funny stuff!
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