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What does the Bible say about pre-marital sex?
1. Turn off your computer.
2. Now your iPod.
3. Yup, iPhone too.
4. Turn off the TV. The Miracle Mop infomercial isn’t going anywhere.
5. Stand up.
6. Do 15 jumping jacks. DON’T ASK WHY, JUST DO WHAT I TELL YOU!
7. Walk the 3 feet to your bookshelf or the 3 blocks to the library.
8. You chose the Library? Nice. Now whisper. This is a library for heaven’s sake.
9. Locate a Bible and open.
10. Search concordance. (That’s the list in the back with topical words followed by their scripture references.)
11. Pick words like sex, purity, wisdom, fornication, adultery, marriage, body, etc.
12. Read those verses as well as the surrounding verses so you understand the context of what is being said.
13. Close the Bible and go pay your outstanding library late fees.
14. Turn your iPhone back on and call someone who is wise and discuss what you read and try to make sense of what you believe scripture is asking of you…and why. Are God’s instructions for our good? Does he want to help us or hurt us?
15. Email me your new questions. I am sure it will trigger more.
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Love and Respect (Now) is a division of Love and Respect. Please be considerate.
Ally – Thanks! I was telling some people this week about how we have to work harder to not be entertained than to seek entertainment. Same thing with information. If we don’t seek out the sources we know as Truth, we are going to let whatever source gets to us first be the determinant.
OR we are going to go to the easiest source for an answer than actually doing any leg work on our own.
Speaking of that, how did the push ups go?
I read the same one, Ally!!!! It made me sooo mad! Especially because I am taking hermeneutics right now…then I shut off my computer, prayed, and thought long and hard about how much I need to love others and pray for the girl that wrote it so they can realize what God is REALLY showing us.
Joy- LOVE what you write. LOVE. Did I say that yet? LOVE. Okay, I am done.
I couldn’t help myself. Copy and paste this into the browers. It will do the googling for you. Seriously!
I think the first two links that google supplies might be the article Ally and Anna were referring to.
Joy, I think you have actually just given the greatest advice that I have ever seen, in regards to any challenging subject in our lives. So many times the influences of the world only muddy the clear and simple picture that the Word can show us if we simply strive to read and understand it. The additional exercise instructions are even great. Moving a little more is good for all of us.
Ally Spotts thinks...
Good words, Joy. I read an article on a CNN blog the other day titled something like, “The Bible’s mixed messages on Sexuality” and it left me longing to do exactly what you’re talking about: shut everything off… read, read, read… and listen to the only voice that matters.
I think sometimes that’s hard to do because we (okay I) worry that the answers won’t be easy, and I would always prefer easy answers.
Thanks for the great reminder.
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