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Hi Friendlings!
I feel like it was JUST my birthday a second ago, when Stephanie and I were downing Maple Bacon Bars and blowing out candles.
While downing donuts alone this year, I had a couple thoughts. I want to give YOU two things for my birthday, and ask you for one. May the odds be ever in your favor.
I am so pumped about this video series that my friends, Jon Collins, and Portland pastor, Tim Mackie, have been brewing up for some time. Regardless of your faith (or lack-thereof), I think you will find these intriguing. My gift is giving you the link.
These videos can only be produced if there is enough financial support to git r’ done. Your gift to me for my birthday is to give $1, $2 or $32 to keep these videos on the YouTube production line. I trust these guys and know the money will be put to good use (after they finish the 24k gold detailing on their Escalades.)
If you donate anything to The Bible Project, consider that your raffle ticket. Leave a comment as your raffle receipt, and I will pick a birthday buddy as the winner. And in the voice of Bob Barker (who I have kissed), “Actual retail price is…$125!”
Now if I was a bettin’ man (and I am–how else do you think I got on the Price Is Right?), I would say it’s a good deal to give a buck or two and possibly win something you could turn around and sell on Ebay for $125.
Not to mention, it would make my birthday-day.
Thanks, all. You’re the best kinda online friends this girl could ask for!
From my Bob-Barker-lovin’ heart,
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Love and Respect (Now) is a division of Love and Respect. Please be considerate.
it would be a gift to see a recording of that episode! lol Love the little girl photo btw! *hugs*
Just donated. What a cool site! Thank you for sharing. I am the youth director at my church and can TOTALLY use this website as a resource for the kiddos 🙂 It would also be rad to win the Illumination Project 🙂 I am part of a small (but growing) and super lovely crew of young adults who meet weekly and I think they could really benefit from trying this. And most importantly, Happy Birthday JOY!! You are an encouragement and blessing to me a young-but-not-so-young, single lady trying to follow God’s will and discerning relationships the best way I know how. So many things I have read or seen on this page have been really helpful and resonate greatly with me! And there have been so many times where I have thought, “wow, I never would have thought about it that way.” Your honesty and humor are a great blessing. Praying this year is a amazingly wonderful year for you and this super important and needed ministry. Enjoy the day!
Peace and Blessings 🙂
First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I stumbled upon the Bible Project on YouTube a few days ago. Their Genesis 1-11 video was very eye-opening. I appreciate what they are doing, and I am happy to support their project. Have a wonderful birthday weekend and ditch the tea for some coffee. It’ll help you not wanna cry (facebook reference). ☕
Happy birthday mama. I donated. It felt good.
Donated! And happy to do so. Thank you for sharing – what a cool project! I love the illustrations. By the way, Joy, I have to tell you that I met Natalie and her sisters from the band Joseph in Chicago while they were on tour. I heard about them through your interview with Natalie. I’ve been living in India for the past year and am back in the US to visit for the summer. When I found out that they were going to be in Chicago right when I was, I jumped on the opportunity to go see them perform. It was so great to meet them and tell them how I came to be there too. I’m going to be in Portland later in July. I’m hoping to connect with them again and would love to meet up with you for coffee or something if you happen to have any time while I’m there! I’ve been following LRN for a while now and have been really encouraged by your work. Thanks!
Joy, I didn’t get to wish you a happy birthday, or is it today? The coffee hasn’t kicked in. But because I love you, I donated. It didn’t even have to be your birthday, it didn’t even have to be The Bible Project. That’s how much I love you. (and omit me from the drawing, I’m not worthy, I’m not worthy!) LOL
I donated! Woohoo HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOY! You bring so much delight and wisdom to so many! Praying that your influence grows even more this year, that truth would be grasped by all you connect with. Bless you!!!
Nicole thinks...
You’ve been on Price is Right?! That’s a dream of mine!
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