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Respect State of The Union Watch the intro to find out what this is all about: RSOTU Intro (1 of 15) I thought I was just being polite when asking a guy if he “could” do something for me, but apparently the difference between “could” and “would” is huge to guys. Questioning a man’s competency can cut him to his core – but he may not show it. Question Men: Can you think of something a woman said to you (jokingly or seriously) that made you …
Respect State of The Union Watch the intro to find out what this is all about: RSOTU Intro (1 of 15) Question Men: Have you ever been asked by a woman how you feel most honored and respected? Dishonored and respected? Did you feel awkward sharing? Women: Have you ever asked these questions of the men in your life? What was the response? Does the idea of asking feel awkward or uncomfortable? Why do you think?
In this final video, we tie up the end of Part 4 & Part 5‘s discussion on sexuality and glorifying God (yes those two things go together) and wrap it up by putting Erin and Jenny on the market. Seriously. Also, while Walter and I do have very similar sounding voices, we are not technically related. He is only half German. Hope you enjoyed our discussion! I would love your continued comments on the discussion and stay tuned for next week when I let you …
In this continuation from Part 4, Jenny asks how to glorify God with our sexuality. Erin puts a great perspective on the “struggle” of a chaste life, and I share a bit about my past views…which were anything but glorifying to God. Stay tuned for Part 6…the end of the discussion and where I make Jenny and Erin very uncomfortable in a little thing I like to call, “The Dating Game.” Any men out there single and ready to mingle with these two hotties? Come …
We have all heard the word “chastity.” I’m not sure about you, but the word that immediately follows that in my head is…”belt.” And I’m pretty sure that belt is made of iron…and has a rusty key. FUN! The question we discuss below is one of my favorites. It’s something that won’t have a concrete answer for everyone, but a discussion I think all people should contemplate. Not sure what a “Formal Lunch” is? Watch Part 1 and follow that up with Part 2 and …
“I don’t have a peace about dating you.” Is that a valid statement or is someone just pulling the “God card.” For those of you who wonder about Christian verbiage, join us as we discuss what it means when people say, “I don’t have a peace about _________.” And for those of you who have no idea what I am referencing when I say “having a peace” or “God card” or “Christian verbiage,” …join us anyways. Erin and Jenny once again bring some thought provoking …
Whats a “Formal Lunch” you ask? Make sure to read and watch THIS first…otherwise, the video probably won’t make sense. It’s a continuation from Part 1. Are you about to push play anyways? Seriously…I’m watching you. Watch Part 1 first…or else. Join the “Formal Lunch” and let me know what you think about these questions that Erin and Jenny are asking…What would you say to them? Don’t be shy Nancy.* Billy*, I know you’re dying to join the discussion. (*While Nancy and Billy may be …
Welcome. This is Part 1 of 6 videos that makes up about a 25 minute conversation I had with a couple of my good friends. “Erin from Florida” and “Jenny the Climber” are women I met in Switzerland at a place called L’Abri. While at L’Abri we would have small gatherings of 8-10 people called “Formal Lunch.” The lunch portion usually consisted of soup, homemade rolls and stinky but amazing swiss cheese. And garlic. We ate lots of garlic. As garlic permeated the room, the …
My dear friend Erin is in town visiting this week. We met a few years ago in Switzerland and she now lives in Florida. Palm Beach and Portland aren’t easily accessible, but the friendship exists via phone, emails, prayers, and making the effort to see one another. Yesterday we realized we had seen each other five times since we parted ways in beautiful Switzerland in the Spring of 2008. Erin is the type of friend who makes me want to be a better friend. And …
I love discussing things with my Dad. If it wasn’t for our unbelievable ability to tap dance, we would probably opt to do a Daddy-Daughter-Discussion at my wedding in place of the Daddy-Daughter-Dance. Thankfully that decision doesn’t have to be made just yet. However, as you may have seen the past two weeks…I was not the most Anderson Cooper-esque in my interviews…so on the same day my father helped me out with a couple “Ask Joy” responses, he decided to flip the tables and interview …
This is my first guest blogger in the whole history of the entire universe. That is an awesome sentence. Slightly dramatic, but totally true. For my first guest blogger I chose Morgan because we have a similar heart and life. Have I looked as smokin’ as her in a wedding dress? (That’s her in the excerpt photo.) No I have not. But we both have fathers who are authors and speakers, trying to help relationships. We also work for our fathers because we too believe …