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Josh was giving a lecture at the American Association of Christian Counselors, and I was sitting in the back with his wife, Christie, whom I had just met moments earlier. I remember she had on a really pretty turquoise necklace, and I wanted it. But I regained focus and continued to listen to Josh talk about his new book, God Attachment.
Post-lecture, the three of us had only a few moments together, but I can safely say we became friends. Read more
Alece was the first person I became friends with on Twitter who I then actually met in person. So far it’s the closest thing I have experienced to online dating, and I was so nervous that I brought my friend Lindsay with me. Just to make sure that Alece wasn’t a serial killer.
Turns out, she wasn’t. Read more
I first heard Josh White speak more than five years ago when I attended a 6 AM Bible study he was leading. If Christianity worked on a gold-star system, …6 AM Bible studies should deserve at least 72 stars. Fast-forward a number of years, and Josh and his adorable family decide to plant a church called Door of Hope just six blocks from my house. Josh is not only a pastor, but he is also a recording artist, so the church is chock-full of people …
I had never met someone whose heart understands to the same degree the passion and responsibility I feel for my work until Rachel came into my life. From the minute we first chatted on the phone to the all-you-can-eat sushi buffets, our conversations have happened at high speeds, with intensity, lots of nodding, big eyes, and eventual howls of laughter. When our work (God, relationships, and money—oh my!) isn’t being discussed, you might overhear Rachel trying to convince me that Taylor Swift is a legitimate artist.
Hannah and I have a long history of friendship. And by long history, I mean we’ve had a few hours of in-person face time. I was at Catalyst, and my friend Jeff said, “Hey, you need to meet my friend Hannah.” Jeff is either really good at knowing who will hit it off or just gifted at figuring out how to ditch me,
…but, whatever his motivation, it worked.
Hannah and I sat in a corner, literally almost eyeball to eyeball, and talked for about three hours straight. Her boyfriend stopped by our conversation when we apparently
Last week Dr. Ken Canfield wrote a piece on fathers and daughters. As I mentioned in the intro, my own father and Dr. Ken Canfield have been friends for over two decades. They support, sharpen and respect one another greatly. So when my father read Ken’s article last week, reporting the top ten questions women wanted to ask their dads, my father responded with ways he believes women could ask the questions and be more effective in communicating their hearts to the men in their life.
I met Ken when I was in the third grade. (For a photo of me circa third grade, scroll to the bottom of this page: Mothership.) My father was doing his PhD discertation on fathering and served on the board for the National Center for Fathering, which was started by Ken. Oodles of years later, Ken worked for Love and Respect doing research. When I started doing my own research, Ken was my mentor, advocate and encourager. Read more
I first heard Josh Hoke sing at my friend Annie’s house show last year. He and Annie did a duet and I was like, “Oh hello magical voices.” A fellow Portland dweller, mid-west native and former pastor’s kid, Josh and I have a few things in common. I’d like to add “and we are both musically gifted” but apparently playing the upright bass in 7th & 8th grade doesn’t qualify me for that title. Pumped to have you hear this guy’s voice. Ladies, don’t stumble. “I …
If you combined the articulation and factual knowledge of a news anchor, the sarcasm and one-liners of your old crotchety neighbor, and the sass of a thirteen year old female into one, you would get my friend Anna. And that was just my first impression of her when we met at age 18. She got up in front of our freshman leadership class and gave a presentation with no trace of nerves, or reserve, for that matter. I was like, “who is this girl?! I like her.”
Years later she’s still bringing her knowledge and sass to the world and to the web.
Please welcome, my friend Anna, to the Illumination Project.
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I will be featuring people who I have asked to create something around illumination. I hope that through their pieces, you might have light-bulb moments of your own. Let’s begin… Todd is my neighbor and fellow bike rider. In fact, we went on a ride one day, and I asked him to pick the route after saying, “Don’t pick a ride that is going to make my legs too tired. I’m speaking tomorrow and don’t want my legs to …
Many of you have spoken or written to me about your fears of relationships, which have often been caused by the unhealthy examples you have seen modeled around you. Many of you, like me, have experienced deep relational pain. Many of you, like my parents, come from broken and unstable childhood homes. Your sincerity in asking, “How can I heal from all these wounds?” or, “How can I not do what my parents did?” always puts a passion in my heart because I desire that …
Today I have asked one of my best friends to share her thoughts on marriage and “being in love” based on a conversation we had this fall when we went camping. Yes, we went camping. Yes, it was just the two of us. And yes, I laid awake all night holding onto my pellet gun and an unsheathed knife. We were not alone. Outside of our camping fails, Lisa is one of my wisest friends. I love the way she thinks and the logic in …
For those of you who ask what books I recommend, I have one I would like to highlight today. My mother’s close friend Marilyn Hontz has written an excellent book on the topic of shame. I want to be clear however: I am not promoting this book because she is my mother’s friend. I am telling you about the book because it is powerful. Through sharing stories of her childhood, Marilyn opens up about how certain small yet significant moments affected her adult life. She …
Paul is a friend from Westmont College. You may remember his face from a guest post I did with him a while back. We have a mutual love of Double Dare, Marc Summers and many other glorious staples of the 90’s. He has a great spin on “the one” topic that I wanted to share with you today. I also hope you will check out his site for some great articles and resources on the topics many “post grads” face today. Paul has written …
I made the mistake of asking my friend, Val to do a guest post for me. Why you ask? Because she is an incredible writer and chose to re-open my wounds to the world. Thanks, Val. OK, I am being slightly dramatic, but it was weird how quickly her writing took me back to that place of pain I was in when we met. I was however, comforted to see how in the midst of my brokenness, when I felt I had nothing to give, …
First of all, I titled this post. I’m guessing Renea would never end a sentence with the word “at” or use a double question mark. She’s far too classy. I’ve asked Renea to write about her experience at a Love and Respect conference. Why? Because I urge all my friends to go to a conference, REGARDLESS of their status. And I think you should too. Yes, it’s entitled a “marriage” conference, but doctors don’t start performing surgery without going to med school, right? So, if …
Book Review: The Male Factor by Stephanie Dost As a young woman, I find that love is something that comes naturally to me. Check. Respect, on the other hand, is something I have to work on. Lucky for me, I work with mostly middle-aged men and have a close relationship with my dad, so I get to practice all the time. Recently, I decided to read a book by Shaunti Feldhahn called “The Male Factor: The Unwritten Rules, Misperceptions, and Secret Beliefs of Men in …
First: This picture kills me. Partly because she looks like she just turned seven years old, and partly because my face is indicative of events that would follow 4.28 minutes later. This was taken the first week at a place in Switzerland called L’abri. Erin talked me into sledding down the side of an alp and 4.19 minutes later I thought it would be a good idea to sled…STANDING UP. 4.28 minutes later I had broken my ankle. Little did I know my photo face would …
Hi Friends, I mentioned earlier this week that my father, Emerson Eggerichs was in town recently and I had a couple post-RSOTU questions for him. He had barely finished grabbing his luggage from baggage claim, when I pulled out the camera and asked for his thoughts. He rolled with it; I think he’s getting used to me… The first topic I addressed was: “In relationship, HOW does a woman practically and tangibly show respect?” Today’s question: “What do you say to guys who get all …
Hi Friends, Many of you have written in questions asking about the topic of respect, so I did a series called the Respect State of The Union (better known as #RSOTU on Twitter). In that series of 15 videos, I answered 10 questions, and then talked with a group of guys about their thoughts on respect. Many of you enjoyed the series and my hope was that it started the ball rolling for us to talk about this touchy topic more. I personally had some …
Let the competition continue! You will notice that Sharideth already has a one up due to her incredible Unicorn collection. Automatic 2 points in my book. Rate Sharideth‘s answers on a scale of 1-10. If people like her answers better than David‘s…then she wins. And who doesn’t like a winner? (Not sure why this competition is happening? Why not? It’s summer time. Check out Part 1 HERE.) 1. What is your favorite shade of white? (If you don’t know that there are multiple answers to …
Most bloggers have really good stuff to say. And then there is David and Sharideth. Not only do they have good stuff to say, but they have both made me laugh audibly via tweets or posts. Because of that, I mentally created an online gang involving the two of them. (Don’t judge. Sometimes online gangs are the only option for some bloggers.) It is only fitting to make gang members fight from time to time to see who is the strongest. And I’d like …
Respect State of The Union Watch the intro to find out what this is all about: RSOTU Intro (1 of 15) My favorite part of this video is the final call to action: “How are we going to deal with it?” Men and women – we all have wounds and fears. It’s so important to process our wounds and unpack our fears. But will we stay there forever? At what point do we say “yes” to trusting God’s word and relaxing in His control …
Respect State of The Union Watch the intro to find out what this is all about: RSOTU Intro (1 of 15) Question Women: Are you aware of your facial expressions? One of the things my father recommends is for women during a fight to go look at their faces a mirror and ask themselves, “Does anyone else look at him this way?” Men: I know that I feel more loved and known in a relationship if a guy figures out what I want or …
Respect State of The Union Watch the intro to find out what this is all about: RSOTU Intro (1 of 15) Question Men: Do you agree with what the men said about her respecting who you choose as friends? In what other ways have women challenged your ability to make decisions? Do you think that was their intention? Women: If you have legitimate concerns about his friends, how have you handled it? Has it been effective? Why might your words wound him?