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Hi friendlings!
About three years ago, I posted my strengths finder personality profile and emphasized that we are constantly growing in different seasons of our lives.
I enjoyed this so much that I couldn’t resist to not post it again…I hope you will join me in analyzing where you are now in this season of your life.
Hello my friendlings,
For all of you who have a case of the winter blues, take heart, because things are about to change. Spring is on its way. And you know what this season brings? Hay fever. Read more
Hey Friendlings,
I haven’t done a “Stuff I Like” post in a long time and thought we were due for one. I know many of you have been laying awake at night thinking, “WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES THAT WOMAN LIKE?!?!??” Because I care about you getting some good REM and waking up refreshed, I thought I would share about something I like.
One of the themes I see in many of the Ask Joy questions I get is, “How do I…?” or “When should I…?” or “Is it ok if…?” And one of my main goals is… …to not answer. I prefer posing questions to give possible scenarios pointing the asker to a more global answer. I want to push myself and all of us, to think. And that’s what I want to do for those of you who simply see The Hunger Games as one of …
I am a loyalist…in friendships, relationships and, apparently, music. If anyone hears that Mary J. Blige will be on tour, 8th grade Joy will be there. My love for 90’s R&B aside, I have a band that I have listened to every album incessantly. I have attended five shows, and their band name, “Needtobreathe” comes up in my phone’s predictive text. That’s messed up. It all started one winter’s eve when some friends and I got free tickets to a show. One friend had heard of …
This summer I had the privilege of going on vacation. While lying on a beach can be glorious, my idea of a fun vacation is one where I can learn, rest and explore. England had all of that…so I went. Oh, and did I mention that unicorns are everywhere? That’s really why I went. I first want to thank ALL of the Facebook and Twitter peeps who gave me great suggestions on what to see during my trip; it was a huge help. Below are a few …
As I said in the video, the worst thing you can do is put yourself in a box. Five years ago, my strengths were Activator, Relator, Command, Strategic, and Restorative. God designed us with certain strengths, but He doesn’t limit us. He created us with the ability to grow and evolve as transformative creatures in Christ. But I like this type of test because it helps me identify what I am bringing to the table when it comes to work, ministry, and relationships. My strengths as …
Three things may have contributed to my inability to find my favorite commercial of all time. 1) I am terrible at Google searches. 2) I don’t know how to spell Cezar? Ceasar? Cesar? Czar of Russia? 3) I give up on Google searches after one try. In this case, #3 isn’t true. I have actually searched for this 30 second spot of sheer genius multiple times. I mentioned it in my most recent video and the desire to see it led me to challenge my …
I grew up with hymns. I like good music. I love worshiping the Lord. If you fall into any of those categories, you might enjoy the band PAGE CXVI. My friend Kathy talks about her discovery of the band and the meaning of it’s name in this post. For awhile I was calling it PAGE C90-X. Unfortunately, listening to it will not give you rockin’ biceps. So far PAGE CXVI has three albums. I have inserted songs to give you a preview. I was intrigued …
You should probably go ahead and check out my friend Destiny’s Blog: CLICK HERE TO SEE DESTINY CRAFT HER PANTS you will like her if… 1) you like crafts. 2) people who never capitalize. She’s kind, generous, talented and easily one of the funniest people I know. Oh, and did I mention she dances? Like a machine. Her wedding folks. And yes, her husband IS that cool to do this with her. And lastly, the “early years” of our friendship. Slave labor. (Yes, that’s me …
Those two things totally go together, huh? This blog is twofold since I just have so many things I like and want to share with the world. The first is a free album by a band called Strangers & Pilgrims. Emily Otteson, is a singer on the album who I had the pleasure of meeting a couple years ago. We were reconnected recently and she reminded me that I had lied to her and her friends and said my middle name was “Full.” I’ve been …
If you were not aware, let me fill you in on a few things before you watch this video. 1) The “Stuff I Like” blogs have no connection to Love and Respect. My parents are just as embarrassed of me as most of my friends. They are simply stuff that I, Joy Eggerichs, like. It’s a way for you to get to know me. 2) As you get to know me, you will realize that not only do many people feel my belief in unicorns …
My friend Julie is talented. She is in school for a Masters of Fine Arts in Applied Craft and Design. It’s more than just finger puppets folks. A couple weeks ago, my friend Erin came to visit. I knew she would love my friend Julie’s apartment so we stopped by unannounced, at 8am. Needless to say, Julie was adorable even in her P.J.’s For the rest of Erin’s visit, she kept referencing Julie. “How would Julie arrange this plate…How would Julie wear this…How would Julie …
My dear friend Erin is in town visiting this week. We met a few years ago in Switzerland and she now lives in Florida. Palm Beach and Portland aren’t easily accessible, but the friendship exists via phone, emails, prayers, and making the effort to see one another. Yesterday we realized we had seen each other five times since we parted ways in beautiful Switzerland in the Spring of 2008. Erin is the type of friend who makes me want to be a better friend. And …
My plan today was to write a “Stuff I Like” blog post on an Album called “The Followers.” But when I woke up this morning, I didn’t expect to hear the news that our dear family friend Carolyne, had died in the night in a house fire. It makes me a little nauseous to even write that. But then I think back to the last conversation I had with Carolyne just a couple weeks ago on her 78th birthday. Much of it was filled with …
Last weekend I had the honor of being a bridesmaid in my friend Sarah’s wedding. Despite the rain, the ceremony was one I will never forget. Maybe it was because I was holding an umbrella… or because I was barefoot… or because minutes before the ceremony Sarah was playing air hockey with her father… Those things may contribute to the memory, but the stories that were shared about Sarah and Cassidy are probably what I will hold onto the longest. I don’t think there was …
Maybe I am late to the game on this artist, but a friend just introduced me to him last week and I have been playing his whole album, To Be Loved on repeat. Some of his songs are Ryan Adams-country-esque sounding. But what do I know… If you are in love, Beauty Has A Name is a download must. If you aren’t…download the album anyways… Here’s a preview of a couple songs: Rosalyn Great Rejoicing
I was sent this video last week and thought it was very creative and well done. Obviously there is a difference between learning how to be alone well and how to be alone poorly. Done well, you grow and learn. Done poorly, you isolate yourself. I think this video gives examples of how to be alone WELL. Don’t deny your need for community. Find the balance. Enjoy life. Grow.
Really? Yes. This past weekend I had the privilege of speaking with my mother at a women’s “camping” retreat. It was the first time for both of us; we really had no idea what to expect. As I told a friend later, “It was the most exhausting, energizing thing I have ever done.” I was filled with an unnatural love for these women and was shocked at how loved I felt in return. Because of that, I wanted to say, “Thank you.” The Lord has …
Why someone would name their child an action word, I have no idea. I’m still waiting to hear back from Tripp’s parents. However, naming your child an emotion and fruit of the spirit? Totally normal. Aside from his parent’s judgement…I have found a blog that is truly worth your time, if laughing is an activity in which you like to partake. Well, in the “blogger community” it looks like many of you have already found him. I am last to join the game. (But we …
I mentioned last week that if a book is marked up, that means it held my attention. Which is diffic…. “Look at the birdie!” Ok, the book is: BONHOEFFER: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas. Some people may not have the same love of history, theology, WWII, Hitler, assassination plots and knowing about people’s personal lives like I do…but if you are intrigued by ANY of the above or simply appreciate incredible writing, then you will be engrossed with this book. You love Hitler …
Later this week, I am going to post a video on how I labeled someone a “jerk”when I shouldn’t have… But first… People ask if I have books I would recommend for learning about relationships. While I do think my father’s book, Love and Respect can and should be read by unmarried people, one of the books that really impacted me a few years ago was John Van Epp’s How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk. Not gonna lie, the cover is a …
The Starter Marriage and the Future of Matrimony by Pamela Paul Paul quotes David Popenoe of the Marriage Project: “The nature of marriage has changed so much. It has become a kind of close friendship with a sexual relationship between a man and a woman. That’s a change. Before, it was a multifaceted institution. A partnership that was legally bound, typically a religious partnership and a partnership between two families. Just because the husband and wife didn’t get along wasn’t a reason to break up. …
After all day email chains over conscious and sub-conscious thoughts on the movie Inception, it felt necessary to write a blog and “plant” the idea in your head that you should see this film.
I know many people haven’t seen the film yet, so I won’t spoil it—but trust me…people are going to blog their little hearts out about this film. Especially Christians. Didn’t we do that with stuff like the Matrix and Bambi?