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Does this guy look new to you? Make sure you check out the first and second Tuesday with Normie. If you already know him, you can check out the next episode HERE.
I’m not one for writing post with lists like, “5 Ways To Become a Broadway Singer.” Truly. I was honored to know that even Christianity Today noticed I’m not a big list-writer. (They also called me a “Relationship Maven,” so obviously they didn’t call any of my exes as references.)
But the way things shook out in today’s chat with Dr. Norm Thiesen all boiled down to two great questions. Read more
Hey Joy,
I recently watched the video “Fear and the Tick-Tock of my Girlfriend’s Baby Clock,” where you mentioned not playing savior for the person you’re in a relationship with. I feel like I dropped the ball on this one with my first girlfriend, because when we broke up she told me I was smothering her. If I ever date again, how do I find the balance of being best boyfriend without playing savior in the relationship? Read more
Hi-ya friends!
Summer-fun discussion got going as people weighed in on THIS video I posted recently. A few (good) men said that maybe the guy didn’t want to be “official” because he was scared or had past wounds.
So this new video explains what I would say to a guy who is trying to be honest and say he needs time and isn’t ready to commit. Read more
This time I am talking to Dr. Norm Thiesen about a shift in our generation–how we’ve moved towards being so “honest” about marriage being hard that we forget to talk about its benefits.
Because unmarried people keep hearing the horror stories instead of the stories of success, it feels to me like one more contributor to the growing delay of marriage. Read more
I have been friends with a guy for over three years. For the last 8 months, we have been officially dating. He has met some of my family, but he has not told any of his family or friends about me–nor does he think that’s a problem.
We are really good together when it’s just the two of us.
I want to go public with our relationship, but he doesn’t. I feel like he is hiding me. Read more
Well Hello Hello!
I’ve been told that one should never explain a joke, but just in case you have never been to a bookstore, the following series is a spin-off on the book, Tuesdays with Morrie. Read more
Hey Friends!
So I asked a bunch of you what question you would want to ask your father, or something you appreciated about your pops. Ironically many of the responses came from people whose fathers had passed away.
I realized that sometimes it’s not until we have lost someone that we start to reflect on the things we really felt or wanted to say.
Why do we have weddings? Is Happily Ever After real? Is it possible to help our friends stay together forever?
Since it’s “wedding season” and this is a post I hold near and dear to my heart, I felt it was time to share this baby again. Last week, I was contacted by two different friends telling me of their friends whose marriages were Read more
Hey Joy,
I’m a Ph.D. student from Oxford and I really desire to be married, but I feel like my academic achievements intimidate men. Does this mean I just have to act like a dumb blonde in order to find a man?
– Lonely in the Library Read more
Hey Joy,
Women [in westernized societies] are becoming more educated than men. How is that going to impact the future of marriages?
– Jonathan
Hi Friends!
Just in case you missed it, I’m going to start hanging out with ya’ll!
My father and I recently had our Google+ hangout sesh numero dos. My lovely mother couldn’t sit down to join us because she was busy filling Easter eggs… excuses excuses.
Heyyyy-ooo! Another lost video from the “What I Know Now” series I did awhile back. Oops. Guess I’m just swimming in so many videos that I lose track of them. I decided to continue The Illumination Project‘s theme of bringing in older, wiser counsel and ask my mom: How do I know this is the type of guy I should marry? Mama E explains a few Love and Respect principles that will guide you to your answer and help you make a check list to …
Hi Friendlings!
Guess what? I totally misplaced this video and the one coming up on Thursday. Remember when we did the “What I Know Now” series where I asked my parents a bunch of questions?
Well, here are the two that got misplaced. Oops! Sorry!
For guys who are asking themselves “how do I know?” about their significant other… make sure you tune in for this one!
Hi Friendlings!
If you haven’t heard already, I’m going to start hanging out with ya’ll!
My father and I tested out Love and Respect Now’s first Google + hangout sesh while in Dallas for Dave Ramsey’s Smart Conference. I didn’t see my two dudes from Croatia this time, but had some great questions come in that we were able to answer.
Hi Joy,
After dating my boyfriend for a significant amount of time, he says he loves me and can’t imagine his life without me, but can’t find the words to say he wants to marry me.
I feel like this should be a no-brainer. Am I being crazy for wanting him to fish or cut bait, or do I need to respect his needs and timing?
Hi Joy,
For the first half of my marriage I hadn’t read the Love and Respect book.
Now, the book has completely transformed the way I treat my husband and has made our marriage so much better. He is a great father and very funny— I even feel I have more than I could ask for in some regards.
At the same time, he tends to struggle at meeting my needs emotionally.
Hi friendlings!
About three years ago, I posted my strengths finder personality profile and emphasized that we are constantly growing in different seasons of our lives.
I enjoyed this so much that I couldn’t resist to not post it again…I hope you will join me in analyzing where you are now in this season of your life.
Hi Joy,
My husband and I have been married for three years and love each other very much, but it really bothers me when people talk up the honeymoon stage. I feel like our marriage has been difficult ever since day one and not only is the honeymoon stage over, it never really began. We feel like we got gypped.
Is this normal?
Hi Joy,
More than anything, I want to have authentic relationships with my friends—I want us to see us challenge each other to become better men. I’ve watched enough of my friends sit in the same state of not wanting to change. So, how can I speak man-to-man to challenge these guys who seem slightly apathetic? Read more
Hi Joy,
I’m writing in response to the Ask Joy video you and Stephanie made about transitioning into new seasons of friendships as a newly married person. Well, I’m having the opposite problem.
Hi Joy,
I’ve recently gotten engaged to a man I met online. My fiancé lives and runs his own start-up in San Diego, and when we get married I’ll be moving from my home in Los Angeles to be with him. Read more
Hey Joy,
I just got out of a pretty serious relationship. My boyfriend and I had been dating for a while, even both saying, “I love you”—until one day he came to me and said, “I don’t love you anymore.” I haven’t heard from him since. Read more
Hey Joy,
I’m 22 and have my first girlfriend. She’s pretty amazing—except once a month, she has severe PMS that causes her to go a little cuckoo. I didn’t grow up with sisters or any close girlfriends, so I don’t have any experience handling these swings—it’s the core of our conflicts, and I don’t know what to do anymore. My girlfriend recognizes this issue, and doesn’t want to be this way, but she just has these severe symptoms.
This is going to keep happening every single month. What can I do? Is there hope?
My best friend currently lives in another state. We’re both married, and though we’ve visited and have done stuff as couples, my best friend wants me to come visit for some “girl time.” When I asked my husband if I could go, he flipped out and shut down, saying, “You want to go without me? Fine. Go right now.”