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I told my friend I think it’s easier for me to be a Christian when I’m not around my family. For whatever reason, Christmas time usually has a few episodes where I find myself verbally reacting before thinking. I get fired up over differing opinions or if I feel misunderstood.
Minutes after my immature reaction I always think, “If I would have waited 24 hours before responding, I know I would have approached the situation much differently and I would have actually been heard instead of discounted because of my immature response…a response quite similar to my 17 year-old self.” Read more
Hey Friendlings,
I haven’t done a “Stuff I Like” post in a long time and thought we were due for one. I know many of you have been laying awake at night thinking, “WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES THAT WOMAN LIKE?!?!??” Because I care about you getting some good REM and waking up refreshed, I thought I would share about something I like.
Hello Holiday Ho-Ho-Hotties!
There’s little I can say to introduce this video. Basically, we dedicated a day to shooting some Ask Joy videos and decided to shoot one extra little Christmas miracle for you. (If you’re involved on the LRN Facebook page, you’ve probably seen our love for the SNL characters, Garth and Kat, who are our musical inspiration.)
How do you decide if you like someone ENOUGH to start dating them? My struggle is not so much with picking a quality guy, but more with overcoming my internal indecisiveness when it comes to dating people. Read more
I blame Becca for being the final “testimony” that got me to go Gluten-Free. For all of you who think it’s the “invisible disease,” go talk with Becca. Some ridiculous life transformation, people! Sadly (or not sadly depending on the way you look at it), after six weeks of no gluten in zee ol’ body, I decided to incorporate it back into my diet to see if I was actually allergic/would explode. Thankfully, I did not.
I want to officially announce that I have now gone Gluten-Free-Free. Read more
How do we (men) even know if they (women) are interested? Women never bring it up in our group of friends, so it makes it hard to tell. Read more
Last week, we started talking about the word “hierarchy.” Let’s face it, the word just sounds big and domineering, not to mention I feel like I’m dislocating my jaw when I say it out loud.
But before we completely write it off, let’s remember where we left off in Part 1: most men, I’ve discovered, have an innate sense of responsibility when it comes to protecting women. And women, instead of getting offended or discouraged, could benefit from adapting to an attitude of gratitude toward the intentions of these good men.
This word immediately makes me envision a hairy man seated on a throne wearing red fur and a pinky ring. I also hear him saying in the voice of Brian Regan, “Bring me the head of a pig and a goblet of something cool and refreshing!”
So as you can imagine, when I saw that my father had a chapter in his book Love and Respect titled “Hierarchy,” I almost wet my pants.
Do you want to get the Love and Respect Now magical unicorn crest tattooed on your bicep as much as I do? I thought so…
Josh Chang is the man behind that amazement. A dear Portland friend, Josh and his wife, Amber, have poured into me through their time and servant hearts. For over two years, Amber edited all of my terrrrrible grammar in most of the things I wrote. (If you find an error, it’s because I didn’t send it to her… Also, she often deleted the million ellipses that I wanted to use…all…the…time…) Read more
I liked Bianca the first time I met her, but she blew me away when I recently spent more time at Catalyst watching her in her element. Getting to be interviewed by her as well as having the privilege of being on a panel with her and Mr. Leonce Crump was a blast and an incredible learning moment.
This Ask Joy comes from a friend of mine who is a passionate leader and entrepreneur. She longs to be married as well as change the world. And I believe she will do both…
How come when I say I have exciting news, I get like 50 texts asking if I am engaged? How do we get there, people?? I’ve been single for like 10 years! Read more
Jon is a writer, speaker, and fellow unicorn lover.
You read that correctly.
I have heard Jon speak a few times and have even picked up a few speaking tips that he passed on to my friend Rachel…who in turn passed them on to me. (Hope that’s ok, Jon.) He was a main speaker last week at Catalyst and once again braided wisdom, humor, and magic into one talk.
You know those people you know, but you don’t know, but you kinda do know?
Sharaya is one of those people.
One day I was in Nashville meeting friends for lunch and as I walked in I thought, “I know that waitress! Kind of…“
Which always moves me to a mental jog of Facebook stalking: Read more
Josh was giving a lecture at the American Association of Christian Counselors, and I was sitting in the back with his wife, Christie, whom I had just met moments earlier. I remember she had on a really pretty turquoise necklace, and I wanted it. But I regained focus and continued to listen to Josh talk about his new book, God Attachment.
Post-lecture, the three of us had only a few moments together, but I can safely say we became friends. Read more
I’ve been dating a guy that I met on a dating site for 4 months now. I recently noticed he is still active on the site and is still signing in to check it daily.
Hi, Joy!
If guys send you mixed signals, how do you ignore them and not read into them? Ooh, please publish a book soon! Make sure that the UK can get copies, too.
Cheers, babe.
Hey Friends, I am excited and honored to speak at Catalyst Atlanta in October. They have a set of interview questions for all of their speakers and I thought I would share them with you as a break from “relationship-talk” and let you in on wisdom I’ve learned from my dad and some of the other things I think about…like Hitler. 1. Who is someone that inspires you today to be a better leader? Hitler. Waaa? Yes. I don’t say that for shock value, but he …
Alece was the first person I became friends with on Twitter who I then actually met in person. So far it’s the closest thing I have experienced to online dating, and I was so nervous that I brought my friend Lindsay with me. Just to make sure that Alece wasn’t a serial killer.
Turns out, she wasn’t. Read more
I first heard Josh White speak more than five years ago when I attended a 6 AM Bible study he was leading. If Christianity worked on a gold-star system, …6 AM Bible studies should deserve at least 72 stars. Fast-forward a number of years, and Josh and his adorable family decide to plant a church called Door of Hope just six blocks from my house. Josh is not only a pastor, but he is also a recording artist, so the church is chock-full of people …
Hi, Joy!
Recently I was talking to this guy and everything was going well. We had planned a date and everything. Out of nowhere, he just disappeared and blocked me on Facebook. Can you give guys advice on that? They cannot just disappear. They have to tell the girl they are not into them. I don’t think this is even a godly reaction. He is not putting the other person’s feelings before his. Please post on Facebook because he is on the Love and Respect Now page.
I had never met someone whose heart understands to the same degree the passion and responsibility I feel for my work until Rachel came into my life. From the minute we first chatted on the phone to the all-you-can-eat sushi buffets, our conversations have happened at high speeds, with intensity, lots of nodding, big eyes, and eventual howls of laughter. When our work (God, relationships, and money—oh my!) isn’t being discussed, you might overhear Rachel trying to convince me that Taylor Swift is a legitimate artist.
Hannah and I have a long history of friendship. And by long history, I mean we’ve had a few hours of in-person face time. I was at Catalyst, and my friend Jeff said, “Hey, you need to meet my friend Hannah.” Jeff is either really good at knowing who will hit it off or just gifted at figuring out how to ditch me,
…but, whatever his motivation, it worked.
Hannah and I sat in a corner, literally almost eyeball to eyeball, and talked for about three hours straight. Her boyfriend stopped by our conversation when we apparently
I have been talking to a guy from a dating website for about two months, and we decided we are going to finally meet. We are a few hours away from each other. Should I be helping him pay for his expenses? Gas and hotel? Or should I expect him to pay for it and put forth some effort? He appreciates if we can share the cost.
—Fiora Read more